Collection interfaces

topmind topmind at
Sun Mar 25 04:39:32 EST 2001

> ent=trysmalltalknc

It seems to be wacked out right now.

> Pardon the word wrapping my news client does. There's no spaces in the
> above.
> That should get you to a place where you can download the lesson browser
> (thanks again to Mark Windholtz, great job!) and the tutorial (thanks to
> F. as well).

Lesson browser download?

The last thing I need is yet more foriegn software on my PC making it crash
more and confusing other DLL's.

Please, HTML.

> runs on
> Microsoft ASP VSscript instead of Smalltalk?
> Naw. Jim isn't afraid of anything. At least, nothing on Usenet!
> Me either :)
> The rest of the Cincom site, and the old Smalltalk portion of the site,
> indeed not run on Smalltalk. We'll get it all moved over eventually :)
> Heck, my own business unit, which is very into VisualWave, understands
> we have to use JavaScript on our pages to drive the browsers. There's
> nothing wrong with being multi-lingual.
> >
> > Do Chevy salesmen drive Fords?
> Some do. I work for Cincom and use both our Smalltalk products, I actually
> prefer ObjectStudio when I'm doing Windows specific work, but I also have
> Squeak and Dolphin around and have experimented with both.
> > -tmind-

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