R: unique items in lists

comp.lang.python micampe at f2s.com
Tue Mar 27 05:39:21 EST 2001

Here is what I'm doing now:

        for w in words:
            while words.count(w) > 1:


Remco Gerlich <scarblac at pino.selwerd.nl> wrote in message
slrn9c0ph1.o5h.scarblac at pino.selwerd.nl...
> comp.lang.python <micampe at f2s.com> wrote in comp.lang.python:
> > Which is the best (read: fastest) way to remove duplicated items from a
> > of strings?
> The standard idiom is to put the items in a dictionary, then get the
> dictionary keys:
> def unique_strings(l):
>    dict = {}
>    for s in l:
>       dict[s] = 1
>    return dict.keys()
> I think this is also very fast, at least lots faster than comparing all
> strings in a double for loop or something.
> --
> Remco Gerlich

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