expanding a variable

Sean 'Shaleh' Perry shaleh at valinux.com
Thu Mar 22 16:25:45 EST 2001

On 22-Mar-2001 Jonathan Soons wrote:
> I am trying to give my cv group (who all have logins like cv???.)
> all the same .profile. The variable in the last line of the script
> doesn't seem to be expanding, even though this is very similar to
> an example in "Core Python Progr..."
> d = commands.getoutput('ls /u')
> dirs = string.split(d, '\n')
> for dir in dirs:
>     if re.search('^cv', dir):
>         os.system('cp  /u/test/.profile /u/dir/')
>                                            ^^^

os.system('cp /u/test/.profile /u/%s/' % dir)

python does not expand variables in strings.

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