Setting file attributes on file creation from ZipFiles (solved)

Chris Withers chrisw at
Wed Mar 28 18:14:29 EST 2001

I posted this question a while ago, and now that I've found the answer I thought
I'd post it back ;-)

Anyway, the problem was setting the modified dates on files I was creating by
unzipping them from a ZipFile object.

You can do this using a function as follows:

from os import utime
from time import time,mktime

def unzip_with_date(zipefile,filename):
    f = open(filename,'wb')
    utime(filename,(time(),round(mktime(zipefile.getinfo(filename).date_time +

Maybe that could be made into a method and included in ZipFile?



PS: For the curious, I found out how to do this by looking at; I love
a language where the source for the libraries is included :-)

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