This math scares me

Werner Schiendl ws-news at
Tue Mar 13 17:14:04 EST 2001

> Bill Gates got this right in the early days, delivering two Basic
> interpreters:  binary floating point for speed, and decimal floating
> point for money and such.  (I never looked at how well his interpreters
> did...I just used them.)

Does this make a difference, as soon as arithmetics takes place?
I think not, it will not be _exact_ results in both ways.
Just storing and retrieving numbers is probably not a very common task
(why convert it for nothing? maybe for reduced size compared to a string...)

My work is not in financial software, but I would certainly not use floating
point for this kind of problem.
I think Windows supports for a 'Currency' data type with some APIs but never
used them...


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