what's in a name (was Re: using lambda to print everything ina list)

Andrew Henshaw andrew_dot_henshaw_at_earthling_dot_net
Wed May 2 01:12:25 EDT 2001

"Roman Suzi" <rnd at onego.ru> wrote in message
news:mailman.988716062.28371.python-list at python.org...

> If Python is going to syntactically support subprocess (thread) scheduling
> and synchronization, then all features are to be added at one time, making
> them more consistent. Or we will have a very messy language.
> I'd presonally liked features of Occam in Python, but introduced
> consistently.
Emphatically seconded.  By the way, I have a library of Python 'Occam-like'
constructs that I use for multithreading, if anyone is interested.

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