Range Operation pre-PEP

Ben Hutchings ben.hutchings at roundpoint.com
Wed May 9 20:27:22 EDT 2001

Douglas Alan <nessus at mit.edu> writes:

> Speaking of creeping-featurism, how come we have list comprehension,
> but not tuple comprehension?  Seems inconsistent to me.

A list contains a variable number of homogeneous values, e.g. the
lines of a file.  Lists are like arrays in other languages.  A tuple
contains a fixed number of heterogeneous values where each element has
a distinct meaning e.g. (year, month, day) for a date.  Tuples are
like data structures or product types in other languages, except that
their types and fields are nameless.  Comprehensions work with a
variable number of homogeneous values, so they produce lists.

Any opinions expressed are my own and not necessarily those of Roundpoint.

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