Python IRC?

Martijn Faassen m.faassen at
Wed May 23 07:28:10 EDT 2001

Ben Hutchings <ben.hutchings at> wrote:
[snip helpful people]

> Oh dear... that was a mistake.

> Timothy Rue is an annoying net.kook who used to (and possibly still
> does) cause no end of annoyance on Amiga newsgroups with his
> blathering about his own ridiculous programming system (VIC), his
> delusions of importance and his conspiracy theories.

Aah, net.kooks; I used to be well up to date on net.kooks but it seems
I'm sadly behind these days. I don't consider it a mistake to help
random people asking questions, just because they may turn out to
be a net.kook, though. We'll see what happens. The python community
is usually very good at handling this kind of thing anyway, and if
that failed there's always the PSU. :)

[links to his website]

This looks definitely incomprehensible enough to be senseless. :)


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