CGI Redirect

Steffen Ries steffen.ries at
Wed May 2 07:12:08 EDT 2001

Ben Ocean <zope at> writes:

> >Uuuh? Normally Content type and location headers shouldn't be mixed as
> >the first one will disable all the others... For me, Location alone
> >works (Apache 1.3.19).
> Here's my code. Can you tell me where I'm going wrong? (Everything
> gets replaced like it should, it's just the aforementioned error.)

I did not follow the whole thread, so I may miss something...

>  >>>
> #!/usr/bin/python
> import os, sys, cgi, string
> FormData = cgi.FieldStorage()
> print "Content-type: text/html\n\n"

The two "\n\n" produce two empty lines, where the first one separates
the HTTP header from the body.

> Disallowed = ['\nTo:', '\nCc:', '\nBcc:']
> FormData = open("/apache/vhosts/bladechevy/New/test.html", "r")
> formstuff = ""
> while FormData.readline():
>    safe = string.maketrans("`|~!@#$%^&*()_+=:;{}[]", "----------------------")
>    line =
> string.replace(string.replace(string.replace(string.translate(FormData.readline(),
> safe), "<input type-\"hidden\" name-\"", "."), "\" value-\"", "----"),
> "\">", ".")
>    formstuff = string.join([formstuff,line])
> FormData.close()                    # close the file
> import smtplib
> server = smtplib.SMTP("localhost")
> server.sendmail("beno at", "beno at", formstuff)
> server.quit()
> print "Location:"

This goes into the body of the HTTP get-response. IOW the line is
interpreted as regular HTML text and has no special meaning for the

What you want is:
print "Content-type: text/html"
# this line does not do anything, but is harmless
print "Location:"

steffen.ries at	<> Gravity is a myth -- the Earth sucks!

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