Python 2.0 quick reference...

David Fuess fuess1 at
Sat May 19 10:05:10 EDT 2001

On 18 May 2001 20:58:41 GMT, kamikaze at (Mark
'Kamikaze' Hughes) wrote:

>  I've encountered people who are hostile to it before (sometimes VERY
>hostile, verging on religious jihad, as though the existence of a text
>browser is somehow causing them direct physical harm), but this is the
>first time I've seen someone who allegedly uses computers regularly who
>didn't know what it was.

--- RANT ALERT ---
Now this is a point that has always confused me. Why on earth would
anyone be hostile against something as benign as a piece of software?
If you don't like it, don't use it. If something bad happens to your
system when you use it then a) don't use it again, b) look at the
developers, not the software for the cause. If I don't like a program,
I give it no space on my system nor bandwidth in my thoughts. There
are lots of things in this world to get religious about, but software
just isn't one of them. And this includes the never ending OS wars!
--- RANT OFF ---

I do have fond memories of LYNX though. I remember wishing I could
find a copy that would run on my DOS box because UNIX was too
expensive to run at home.

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