Suggestion for os.path.join
David Morgenthaler
boogiemorg at
Wed May 23 18:18:05 EDT 2001
We use os.path.join() extensively to keep our code platform
independent. But we sometimes have problems on win32 when the
resulting path is passed to a C-extension -- not all C-extensions
(e.g., gdchart) are smart enough to handle the result.
Python 2.1 (#15, Apr 23 2001, 18:00:35) [MSC 32 bit (Intel)] on win32
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>>> PATH = 'D:/SARCrates/SARBoxResults'
>>> import os
>>> outfile = os.path.join(PATH,"subdir","outfile.png")
>>> print outfile
The combination of '/'s and '\'s in the resulting path are not handled
by gdchart.chart. I have similar problems with the PIL's ImageFont,
Suggestion: Change ntpath.join to give join a signature of something
like os.path.join(path [, path2 [, ...]], [sep=s]). The following
should do the trick.
def join(a, *p, **parms):
"""Join two or more pathname components, inserting "\\" or sep as
if parms.has_key('sep'):
sep = parms['sep']
sep = "\\"
path = a
for b in p:
if isabs(b):
path = b
elif path == '' or path[-1:] in '/\\:':
path = path + b
path = path + sep + b
return path
Then I get the following behavior, solving my problem:
>>> PATH = 'D:/SARCrates/SARBoxResults'
>>> outfile = join(PATH,"subdir","outfile.png")
>>> print outfile
>>> outfile = join(PATH,"subdir","outfile.png",sep='/')
>>> print outfile
join for other platforms could simply ignore the separator parameter.
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