Tkinter - how to right align Help Menu cascade??

Jeff Epler jepler at
Sat May 19 19:44:24 EDT 2001

> In article <3B06276A.688FF5C4 at>, doug.hilton at 
> says...
>> This is a trivial thing, but I wan't my Help cascade right-aligned and
>> cannot locate any options in the Tkinter docs.

In tk 8.0 and later, if you use toplevel.configure(menu = XXX)
to create a menu, that menu is treated in a system-dependent way.  On Unix,
this includes placing the menu with the title "help" on the right.
AFAIR, this does *not* happen on Windows.  It depends on the "system
standard" is, and how the tk folks interpreted it.

Otherwise, *don't* use -menu, but make a frame with menubuttons in it,
and pack them using the "pack" method.


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