libraries for plotting

Roman Suzi rnd at
Thu May 3 15:53:15 EDT 2001

On Thu, 3 May 2001, Walter Moreira wrote:

>Hello, Python people.
>I was browsing the Plotting resources section on Python.Org and there are some
>broken links (pgplot, plplot, ppgplot). What package do you suggest me for
>plotting? It looks that there are many but some are small or not manteined any
>more. I found Biggles on Parnassys but didn't try it yet.
>DISLIN looks good, but it is not free :-(

Do you really need plot utils _written_ in Python
or usable _from_ Python?
If the later, take look at the

- there are plenty visualization tools there under
proper category.

>	-- Walter

Sincerely yours, Roman Suzi
_/ Russia _/ Karelia _/ Petrozavodsk _/ rnd at _/
_/ Thursday, May 03, 2001 _/ Powered by Linux RedHat 6.2 _/
_/ "A conclusion is simply the place where you got tired of thinking." _/

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