Python Risk

David LeBlanc whisper at oz.nospamnet
Thu May 10 14:07:09 EDT 2001

In article <9dc4eq$fb9$1 at>, aahz at says...
> In article <mailman.989433614.1152.python-list at>,
> Tim Peters < at> wrote:
> >
> >That said, Guido's ability to say "no!" and make it stick is what's kept
> >Python Python so far.  If he vanished, there would be no lack of programmers
> >to keep Python going, but I'm not sure it would remain Python for long.  I
> >expect it would splinter, with Andrew Kuchling reviving the 1.2 codebase,
> >John Skaller merging 2.2 with O'Caml, and Barry Warsaw renaming his variant
> >(with builtin Mailman support) to >>thon.
> ...and the Timbot would just keep channeling Guido from beyond the grave.
And of course _his_ version would be py<wink>thon :-)

Dave LeBlanc

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