Appliying method to list of objects

Duncan Booth duncan at
Thu May 31 10:30:33 EDT 2001

eloy <eloy at> wrote in 
news:Pine.LNX.4.33.0105311550510.22754-100000 at

> I couldn't find a cannonical (ti!mtowtdi) and efficient way to improve
> this:
>      for i in list:
>           i.dosomething()

I'm not sure I understand what you feel needs improvement here. It looks 
clear and understandable which is the primary consideration when writing 
any code.

Duncan Booth                                             duncan at
int month(char *p){return(124864/((p[0]+p[1]-p[2]&0x1f)+1)%12)["\5\x8\3"
"\6\7\xb\1\x9\xa\2\0\4"];} // Who said my code was obscure?

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