floor() function and mathematical integers

Tim Peters tim.one at home.com
Wed May 30 21:46:02 EDT 2001

> <sigh>  The version of doctest that I'm currently using only works under
> 2.x, so my 1.5.2 testing has been largely ad hoc.

Hmm.  Can't say I care about whether it (doctest or decimal) runs under
1.5.2, but don't recall doing anything to break it (doctest) there.  Ah --
Eric converted all the library modules to use string methods.  Yet another
reason to forget 1.5.2 <wink>.

> I can't wait for Cowlishaw to release his platform-neutral test cases.

Would daily nagging help?  I haven't harassed anyone famous in weeks.

darn-restraining-orders-ly y'rs  - tim

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