Windows editor?

David LeBlanc whisper at oz.nospamnet
Fri May 4 14:25:43 EDT 2001

In article <mailman.988944727.9041.python-list at>, at says...
> [Brandon J. Van Every]
> > What's a good Python editor for programming under Windows, specifically
> > Windows 2000?
> Given enough customization work, Source Insight is quite usable for Python:
> I wouldn't recommend it *just* for Python, though -- it's not cheap, and
> customization eventually hits a brick wall.  But if you do significant coding
> in C or Java too, and especially if on group projects, it's worth every
> penny.
> nothing-else-like-it-ly y'rs  - tim
All the Microsoft employee programmer weinies swear by Insight - enough 
of an un-recommendation for me <G>. Formerly they all liked Visual Slick 
Edit... ditto, only more so!

I'm gradually moving away from my beloved Codewright in the direction of 
vim/gvim. Codewright's update price/new feature ratio got too low.

AS for (x)emacs: it's hard to rationalize using an editor that's bigger 
then all of python and your python apps combined (unless you're VERY 
prolific!), not to mention the agravation (sp?) of having to learn lithp 
;-) to customize it.

"Let Microsoft endorse your product - before you know it, you'll be 
embraced and extended - probably over a barrel."

Dave LeBlanc

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