Indentation style...

D-Man dsh8290 at
Tue May 29 15:09:33 EDT 2001

On Mon, May 28, 2001 at 03:11:46PM +0000, Courageous wrote:
| Another cool trick:
| set lcs=<ctrl-v-187>\
| set list
| This makes the tab character show up as a small >> character
| (ANSI 187). Note that <ctrl-v-187> stands for "type ctrl-v followed
| by 187".

Almost :

<from vim's help>
    Strings to use in 'list' mode.  It is a comma separated list of
    string settings.

          tab:xy        Two characters to be used to show a Tab.  The first
                        char is used once.  The second char is repeated to
                        fill the space that the Tab normally occupies.
                        "tab:>-" will show a Tab that takes four spaces as
                        ">---".  When omitted, a Tab is show as ^I.

set lcs=tab:>-

Will show  >-------  instead of 8 spaces for a tab


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