Do I really need to learn Java?

Bill Smith william.smith162 at
Mon May 14 14:29:24 EDT 2001

James Logajan wrote:
> Bill Smith wrote:
> > My advice would be to learn
> > object-oriented coding, using Python, Ruby, or Smalltalk, and branch out
> > to Java, but only after learning OO coding thoroughly. After that, you
> > could learn C++ pretty well if you *needed* to.
> I think this is bad advise. Time is finite; in the end you need to learn to
> solve problems and you need a way to express those solutions using a
> notation you are fluent in. Only when the notation becomes a noticable
> impediment should you consider searching for another lnaguage.
> Pick one language, it doesn't matter much which, and start using it to solve
> problems. Don't hop from language to language. Given a choice between
> studying yet another language or studying interesting and useful algorithms,
> do the latter. You'll pick up some reading skill at other languages in the
> process, but that shouldn't become a goal.

Like I said, this starts a lot of flame-wars. If you only have time to
learn one language during the whole of your life, one language will have
to be enough. If you are programming only for your own recreation and
amusement, you will always have the final choice of what language you
choose to use. Even then, your horizons will be broadened if learn more
than one language. My advice was more intended for people who would like
to earn their livelihood from programming.

I still think that learning object-oriented programming should come
first, and it should use completely object-oriented techniques using a
language that makes OO easy. That means Ruby, Python, or Smalltalk,
probably others I don't know about. But after six months, a year, or
thereabouts, you should be able to take on Java without developing too
many bad habits  <big smiley face>

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