PEP 234: Iterators

Christian Tanzer tanzer at
Tue May 1 03:18:54 EDT 2001

>           for line in file:
>               ...


> Among its chief virtues are the following three -- no, four -- no,
> five -- points: 

I'd add:

    6. It makes code iterating over non-sequences more concise and

>     - The name iter() is an abbreviation.  Alternatives proposed
>       include iterate(), harp(), traverse(), narrate().

IMHO, a verb conveys the wrong meaning because the function returns
an iterator object -- it doesn't iterate over anything itself.

The clearest name for this function would be `iterator' <surprise>,
but `iter' would work just as well as `len', `str', `repr', and all the
other abbreviated builtins do.

`harp' and the like are just silly -- whoever wants to use an
obfuscated programming language probably knows where to get it.

>     - Using the same name for two different operations (getting an
>       iterator from an object and making an iterator for a function
>       with an sentinel value) is somewhat ugly.  I haven't seen a
>       better name for the second operation though.

I assume `ugly' refers to the implementation.

As both operations return an iterator object it seems natural to use
the same name for them. Having to remember two different names for
iterator-returning operations looks ugly to me.

>     - There is still discussion about whether
>           for x in dict: ...
>       should assign x the successive keys, values, or items of the
>       dictionary.  The symmetry between "if x in y" and "for x in y"
>       suggests that it should iterate over keys.  This symmetry has been
>       observed by many independently and has even been used to "explain"
>       one using the other.  This is because for sequences, "if x in y"
>       iterates over y comparing the iterated values to x.  If we adopt
>       both of the above proposals, this will also hold for
>       dictionaries.

If `if x in dict' is implemented (which I hope) making `for x in dict'
iterate over something other than the keys would be very confusing.

> We could also add methods to dictionaries that return different kinds
> of iterators

Please do so.

    for k, v in dict.itemiter():

is both more readable and more efficient than

    for k in dict:
        v = dict[k]

The item-iterator can also be passed around whereas the other form

Christian Tanzer                                         tanzer at
Glasauergasse 32                                       Tel: +43 1 876 62 36
A-1130 Vienna, Austria                                 Fax: +43 1 877 66 92

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