mod_python and MoinMoin ??

Paul Jackson pj at
Mon May 28 17:43:44 EDT 2001

Has anyone figured out how to get MoinMoin (an Apache WikiWiki
clone) to work with mod_python ??

In March 2001, I see one usenet article from Dave LeBlanc on
comp.lang.python, noting that he was still looking for some
way to do this.

Barring that, any other suggestions on how to get a WikiWiki
clone working with Apache on Linux as some form of fast server
loaded module, most preferrably a WikiWiki clone coded in Python?

My main objective here is simply to speed up the delivery
of pages (the delay per page, over a fast local net, not
the pages per hour serviced - my wikiwiki server has very
light usage).

I will also send email to the MoinMoin maintainer, Ju€rgen
Hermann, so see if he has any suggestions.

                          I won't rest till it's the best ...
                          Manager, Linux System Software
                          Paul Jackson <pj at> 1.650.933.1373

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