Newbie question, I guess.

thedog thedog at
Mon May 7 08:28:47 EDT 2001

Newbie question, I guess.
I have two variables direction and framenr

direction = 'fw'
framenr = 1

which I want to use in the following code to navigate round in my little

        keystate = pygame.key.get_pressed()
        if keystate[K_UP]:
            framenr = framenr + 1
            frame = '%(direction)s%(framenr)simage' %vars()

        if keystate[K_DOWN]:
            framenr = framenr - 1
            frame = '%(direction)s%(framenr)simage' %vars()

        if keystate[K_RIGHT] or keystate[K_LEFT]:   #byter mellan fw och
            if direction == 'fw':
                direction = 'bw'
                frame = '%(direction)s%(framenr)simage' %vars()
                direction == 'fw'
                frame = '%(direction)s%(framenr)simage' %vars()

the problem is the line: frame = '%(direction)s%(framenr)simage' %vars()

when using this a string is passed to frame(for example, when the up
arrow is pressed: the string ‘fw1image’). But I don’t want a string to
be passed to it just fw1image, because fw1image is a surface that later
will be shown on screen.

So I want to change ‘fw1image’ to fw1image, is this possible?
Or if you know any better way of accomplishing this, enlighten me.

PS. I’m sorry if the text is confusing, but I’m very very tired.

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