Reinitializing the python interpreter form Java

Ype Kingma ykingma at
Wed May 30 11:11:33 EDT 2001

"Andre M. Descombes" wrote:
> Ok, good Idea, but what will happen to the variables I pass that way, will
> they be still accessible from another function that I call? they shouldn't
> be there at all anymore, they should go out of scope as soon as I exit the
> function.

The globals are formed by a dictionary, so you can delete an entry
(untested code:)

 theLatestCopyOfYourGlobals['varName'] = valueYouWantToPass
 interpreter.exec(yourfile, theLatestCopyOfYourGlobals)

 del theLatestCopyOfYourGlobals['varName']


You can also do:

 del varName

in yourfile.

Good luck,

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