How do you set up a stack?

kosh kosh at
Wed May 9 04:37:00 EDT 2001

s713221 at wrote:

> kosh wrote:
>> Umm. While this solution will work I think there are some things that
>> need to be dealt with. Mainly you need to check f for items that should
>> not be in there. eval will evaulatuate any valid piece of python code so
>> the other things that can be done are large. This is a fairly large
>> security risk at this point I think. At the very least I would check if
>> it has any letter characters and if so not run then.
> Eval will (should?) only evaluate legal pythonic numeric functions. This
> actually covers quite a bit, but unless you define wierd class
> structures that overwrite numerical operators to do non-numerical
> operations, you shouldn't have to worry too much about using eval.

Eval can evaluate any python expression by default. The other stuff you 
tried were statements and as such they would need exec. I have some complex 
thing being done with eval in places that are not numeric at all. However 
it is checked thoroughly.

> Simple maths.
>>>> eval("1+2")
> 3
> Math with complex numbers (Except "i" is replaced with "j" in python.
> Ask the engineers why. *sighs*)
>>>> eval("(1+2j)-3j")
> (1-1j)
> You can also import the math module and use these functions inside the
> eval statement.
>>>> import math
>>>> eval("1+math.sqrt(2)")
> 2.4142135623730949
> However, all of these are dealing with numbers. I'd be interested to see
> if someone did have an example of a malicious eval use. (In fact I'd be
> downright anxious to know of any eval security weaknesses. *grins*)
> I try to eval a non-numerical statement.
>>>> eval("print 'hello'")
> Traceback (most recent call last):
>   File "<stdin>", line 1, in ?
>   File "<string>", line 1
>     print 'hello'
>         ^
> SyntaxError: invalid syntax
> Now I try a different statement that barfs on a different piece of
> syntax.
>>>> eval("if 1==1: print 'hello'")
> Traceback (most recent call last):
>   File "<stdin>", line 1, in ?
>   File "<string>", line 1
>     if 1==1: print 'hello'
>      ^
> SyntaxError: invalid syntax
> In order to "evaluate" or execute a string as a command, rather than an
> expression, the exec command has to be used. However, if you are really
> paranoid, or would like to convert the following complex number
> statements "1+32i" to correct python, "1+32j", look up the re module.
> Anycase, have fun. You should have a great time with the language, and
> with this newsgroup.
> Joal Heagney/AncientHart

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