Do I really need to learn Java?

Alex Martelli aleaxit at
Tue May 15 10:23:41 EDT 2001

"Alan Gauld" <alan.gauld at> wrote in message
news:3B0130D9.38EC274C at
> Roman Suzi wrote:
> > I also know that some Java programmers like Java.
> Only some?  Seems like all the Python programmers I've
> met like Python. Maybe thats a significant difference?

It may be, but, in the abstract (evincing only from
this couple of tidbits), it's hard to infer exactly
what.  Suppose there is a large job-market for Java
programmers, because lots of places are developing
Java programs commercially (for whatever reason).

Then, the people who end up working as Java coders
may include both those who like the language AND
some who don't but DO like the easy money to be made.

On the other hand, suppose there is no such job
market for some other programming language, say
for example Intercal.  In this case, only the
people who *really LOVE* Intercal will bother to
"be Intercal programmers": there is absolutely no
"side benefit" (such as salaries:-) in so being.

Then, from the two facts:
    only some Java programmers like Java
    all the Intercal programmers love Intercal
one should deduce: there is a large job market
for Java programmers, but not for Intercal ones.

I'm not saying this applies to Python, by any
means -- but, take care in inferring from partial
data such as programmers' liking, or not, the
language they happen to use:-).


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