tkinter and focus...

Matthew Dixon Cowles matt at
Tue May 29 12:53:26 EDT 2001

On 29 May 2001 12:05:48 GMT, Uwe Schmitt <schmitt at>

>Matthew Dixon Cowles <matt at> wrote:

>| The best way I've found to change the tab order is to bind the tab
>| key event of a widget to a routine that changes the focus with
>| focus_set() or focus_force().

>that was my first idea, but in my case it doesnt work...

If Isaac's suggestion of changing the tab order by changing the
stacking order with tkraise() and lower() works, there's no reason to
pursue changing the tab order by binding the tab key. But I'm a little
curious. Does it not work because the structure of your app makes
doing things that way hard or does it mysteriously not work? In the
latter case, I'd be interested to see a minimal failing example. But
as I said, it may all be moot.


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