Named pipes: sending more than 64 Kb

Sibylle Koczian Sibylle.Koczian at
Mon May 28 08:50:42 EDT 2001


I'm trying to write a server that uses named pipes and can send
arbitrarily large chunks of data - in several messages, if necessary, as
there seems to be an upper limit of 64 kb for writing to a named pipe (I
found this in MSDN but haven't got the article number handy).

But if I try to send off a second message, I always get error 232 ('Pipe
is closing'). Why?

In the Win32 SDK help that comes with Delphi, I saw something about
_anonymous_ pipes not being able to write to a filled buffer again, it
must be read by the client first - but I didn't find any remark of this
kind about named pipes.

On the other hand, I can't find an example that does what I want. I've
tried without overlapped I/O - would that be the answer?

Thanks for any pointer to the information,

Dr. Sibylle Koczian
Universitaetsbibliothek , Abt. Naturwiss.
D-86135 Augsburg

Tel.: (0821) 598-2400, Fax : (0821) 598-2410
e-mail : Sibylle.Koczian at Bibliothek.Uni-Augsburg.DE

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