Removing modules from the global namespace

Chris Jaeger cjaeger at
Mon May 14 17:06:48 EDT 2001

Hi all,

	I was wondering if there was a way to remove
imported modules from a namespace. For instance, I
have an that loads a dynamic list of modules
based on what it finds present in the directory. In order
to determine the contents of the directory, I need to import
os, string, etc. Before I return from, I'd like
to remove all the modules from the namespace for this package
except for the ones that come from this directory. Can this
be done?

Here is my current code:

import os
import re
import string

local_dir = os.path.dirname(__file__)
entries = os.listdir(local_dir)
for entry in entries:
	if re.match(r"*.\.py$",entry) or re.match(r"*.\.pyc",entry):
		module = string.join(string.split(entry,'.')[:-1],'.')
		if module != "__init__":
			__import__(module, globals(), locals(), [])

# this doesn't work
delattr(globals(), 'os')
delattr(globals(), 're')
delattr(globals(), 'string')

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