Baycon: off the air

Martijn Faassen m.faassen at
Fri May 25 17:11:21 EDT 2001

Lyle Johnson <ljohnson at> wrote:
>> no, i want to know where you got a python t-shirt. (see the earlier
> poster)

> Isn't Digital Creations still selling their Python T-Shirts? This is the one
> that reads "Python: Programming the Way Guido Indented It" on the back. I
> got mine for a measly $13.50 (including S & H) a few months ago.

I saw these at the Python conference, but they were out of them. I was
rather suprised to see a quote I'd helped create on someone's back
there. For the history of this collectively developed quote on 
comp.lang.python, see here:

Grumble grumble google urls. Can't they make some kind of same URL out of


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