Why isn't Python king of the hill?

Greg Jorgensen greg at pdxperts.com
Thu May 24 03:17:10 EDT 2001

On 23 May 2001, Mark H wrote:

> The more I use Python, the more I wonder why it hasn't taken the wind
> out of Java's sails?  Now, don't get me wrong, I love Java, but I have
> found I am at least twice as productive in Python than Java, and there
> seems to be very little if anything that you cannot do in Python or a
> Python extension.  Is it because Java has a few big companies behind
> it while Python doesn't?

A lot of companies make money from the Java phenomenon, from book
publishing to bloated frameworks, JVMs to ORBs, training to certification.
On the other hand Python is too open, too easy to learn, too robust and
cross-platform. Where is the profit in it?

Greg Jorgensen
PDXperts LLC
Portland, Oregon USA
gregj at pobox.com

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