socket.recvfrom() & sendto()

Ron Johnson ron.l.johnson at
Mon May 7 23:03:40 EDT 2001

Van Gale wrote:

> Ron,
> A few people have answered your specific question, but if it's still not
> clear try taking a look at for a
> good basic introduction to socket programming on Python.

Thank you.  Following the HOWTO, I have understand blocking sockets,
and have written a wrapper module that makes writing the writing of 
a blocking server trivial.  Of course, in real life, non-blocking 
servers are more useful...

> Once you understand that, then go use the asyncore module (part of the
> standard distribution), which can support thousands of non-blocking
> sockets
> at one time.  It scales well because it can use poll() instead of
> select(),
> and it's author put a lot of time into making it scalable.  The asyncore
> module is used in the real world on a number of high-load servers (even NT
> types).
> Documentation on asyncore is a little sparse, IMHO, so it's probably a
> good idea to download Medusa to see lots of example code for building HTTP
> servers, FTP servers, xmlrpc servers, etc. that use asyncore.

 Ron Johnson, Jr.        Home: ron.l.johnson at
 Jefferson, LA  USA
 "Is Python better or worse than Perl?"
  "Perl is worse than Python because people wanted it 
   worse." -Larry Wall, 10/14/1998

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