Forcing quote characters in repr(STRING), how?

Tim Peters at
Wed May 2 18:04:24 EDT 2001

[François Pinard]
> When using `repr()' on a string, Python automatically selects if it
> will use single or double quotes to enclose the produced
> representation of the string.  Is there a clean way to force that
> choice to be, under user control, a particular quote character
> (either simple or double)?

Not a clean way, nor even a dirty way:  the logic is hardcoded.

	/* figure out which quote to use; single is preferred */
	quote = '\'';
	if (strchr(op->ob_sval, '\'') && !strchr(op->ob_sval, '"'))
		quote = '"';


    quote = "'"
    if "'" in string and '"' not in string:
        quote = '"'

The cleanest way would be to wrap your strings in a subclass of UserString,
and override __repr__ in the subclass.

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