Simple Sample code for http server and client

David Lees DavidLNoSpammy at
Wed May 23 14:07:32 EDT 2001

I just purchased a copy of the new "Python Standard Library" by Lundh
and am using it for templates to have 2 way communications over a socket
by http.  The example to post data to an HTTP server, on pp 189-190 has a small typo.  The line

    http.putheader("Content-Length", str(len(size)))

should be

    http.putheader("Content-Length", str(len(data)))

However, I am trying to modify the example
(page 198) to handle the reception of the PUT, by adding a new method
do_PUT.  So far I can see all the header information, by printing
'self.headers' but am unable to see the data in the PUT.  Any help is
welcome.  I am struggeling with the documentation.

It appears that 'rfile' is supposed to be used, but so far all I can do
is hang on 'readlines'.  Section of code is simply:
       print x.readlines()
I want to put the data in a string and process it before actually
writing it do disk on the server.

Thanks in advance,

David Lees
davidL at

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