Setting search path

Costas Menico costas at
Fri May 11 15:38:15 EDT 2001

"michael montagne" <montagne at> wrote:

>I need some advice on the best way to handle this on WinNT.  I really
>getting excited about Python and I'm thinking I'll use it more and more.
>But for each person in the offfice (100 people), I need to install Python on
>their machines.  I'd like to create a directory on the network for all my
>scripts, modules, and packages.  That way I can update the code in one place
>and all my users can share the same files.  I'll still need a development
>path so on my machine I'd need another directory in front of the shared one.
>This also keeps all my code safe from upgrade overwrites.  I've read about
>.pth files but I'm not sure that is best in my case.
>What is the standard way to handle this issue?

The search path for the scripts is defined in he sys module.

import sys
print sys.path

You can add your own to this path as follows:


to add to end of earch or 


to add to start of search

Double BS are required anytime you put a BS in a string.


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