effbot's windows console module

Alex Martelli aleaxit at yahoo.com
Mon May 28 06:47:22 EDT 2001

"Laura Creighton" <lac at cd.chalmers.se> wrote in message
news:mailman.991044041.8390.python-list at python.org...
> It's Monday here now.  Let's hope they are fixing it.

Let's indeed.  Meanwhile (thanks to T. Heller for
sending me a copy!) I put an emergency copy of the
module's zip up at
Supereva is a clunky free IS provider: you have to
visit this page, it shows you a webpage with a link
that is equally named (else they'd have nowhere to
show their ad banners, I guess), click on the link
to actually download the file.

Never one to let well enough alone, I took the
occasion to make a tiny mod to /F's packaging.

cons0528.zip unzips to a cons subdirectory rather
than to the current directory.  I added a trivial
setup.py to facilitate building and installing,
renamed _wincon.dll to _wincon20.dll, added a
_wincon.pyd prebuilt for Python 2.1. No other


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