[ANNOUNCE] Umbra pre-alpha 0.4

Mark 'Kamikaze' Hughes kamikaze at kuoi.asui.uidaho.edu
Wed May 9 00:25:02 EDT 2001

  Umbra is a simple computer role-playing game, written in Python.  The
world is randomly-generated for new play every time, but there is an
eventual goal and storyline.  It was heavily influenced by roguelike
games, Alternate Reality, console RPGs, and the works of H.P.  Lovecraft
and Clark Ashton Smith.

  Umbra features random generation of a huge game world, 3-D graphics,
and the beginnings of combat and shops.


  As always, feedback here in the newsgroup/mailing list or in private
mail is not just encouraged, but mandatory!

 <a href="http://kuoi.asui.uidaho.edu/~kamikaze/"> Mark Hughes </a>
"I will tell you things that will make you laugh and uncomfortable and really
fucking angry and that no one else is telling you.  What I won't do is bullshit
you.  I'm here for the same thing you are.  The Truth." -Transmetropolitan #39

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