How hard can this be? It worked

Grant Edwards grante at
Mon May 21 16:30:34 EDT 2001

In article <9ebqtg$o5b$1 at>, Patrick Kirk wrote:

>Thanks all.  Declaring the variable and adding white space fixed it.

Just to avoid confusion in the future, what you did isn't
generally called "delcaring" the variable x.  You bound the
name x to a particular object (an integer object with the value
of 4).

"Declaring a variable" usually has a slightly different meaning
-- it usually means that you're telling the system that there
exists or will exist somewhere a variable with a particular
name and a particular type.  It may not allocate space for the
variable (actually create the object) -- it may just reserves a
spot of a particular type in a particular namespace. Python
doesn't really have "variables" the way some other languages

If that didn't make any sense, don't worry about it, I'm just
being pedantic.

>>>> import math
>>>> x = 4
>>>> if x > 0:
>...  print "x is positive"
>x is positive
>>>> if x%2 == 0:
>...   print x, "is even"
>... else:
>...   print x, "is odd"
>4 is even

Grant Edwards                   grante             Yow!  NANCY!! Why is
                                  at               everything RED?!

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