need help with Boa Constructor

Nick Perkins nperkins7 at
Sat May 5 05:00:06 EDT 2001

Hey it works!
If i run from PythonWin it works,
and the Frame Designer works, too.

If I start boa by double-clicking on ''
( in the windows explorer )
it starts Boa OK, but no Frame designer.

If i run from IDLE, i get this:

importing Prefs
importing wxPython...
importing Editor
Importing Companions
imported PaletteMapping
importing Views.EditorViews
importing Views.AppViews
importing Views.DesignerViews
importing Views.UMLViews
importing Views.SourceViews
importing Explorers
importing Models
imported Editor
importing PropertyEditors
imported Inspector
Traceback (innermost last):
  File "C:\Python20\Boa-0.0.5\", line 134, in ?
  File "C:\Python20\Boa-0.0.5\", line 128, in main
    app = BoaApp(0)
  File "C:\Python20\Boa-0.0.5\", line 77, in __init__
    wxApp.__init__(self, redirect)
  File "c:\python20\wxPython\", line 1683, in __init__
  File "C:\Python20\Boa-0.0.5\", line 91, in OnInit
    self.main = Palette.BoaFrame(None, -1, self)
  File "C:\Python20\Boa-0.0.5\", line 90, in __init__
    customHelpItems = eval(conf.get('preferences', 'customhelp'))
  File "C:\Python20\Boa-0.0.5\ExternalLib\", line 256, in get
    raise NoSectionError(section)
NoSectionError: No section: preferences


(happy i have it working, but still mildly curious..)

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