What can you do in LISP that you can't do in Python

James_Althoff at i2.com James_Althoff at i2.com
Tue May 15 19:19:06 EDT 2001

Steven D. Majewski writes:
>( Smalltalk, instead of having these different forms, has a way
>   of slinging around unevaluated code blocks as parameters:
>    object ifTrue: [ block of code to be evaluated ]
>             ifFalse: [ block of code to be evaluated ]

And such "slinging" can be *so* satisfying.  I would really enjoy
"slinging" some unevaluated, unnamed code blocks around in Python when, for
example, I want to write GUI code like:

    window.showStatusDuring(msg='Verifying search conditions'):
    window.showStatusDuring(msg='Executing query'):
        resultSet = searchForm.executeQuery()



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