WSC in python clears method arguments

T Malcolm nt_colonel at
Thu Nov 8 10:52:38 EST 2001

I'm calling a WSC written in Python from a VBS script that is task
scheduled.  This WSC is a "friendly" interface to the Python ftp
library.  All is well, except for one quirk.  When I call methods on
the WSC, it will clear the variable I pass as an argument.

Example vbs client script(where objFTP is an instance of the Python
strRemotePath = rs.Fields("RemotePath").Value

'strRemotePath has a value here


'strRemotePath is now a nullstring, the cwd command has succeeded.

Python code in WSC (objFTP is an instance of FTP imported from
def cwd(RemotePath, FTP=objFTP):

I had to use the FTP=objFTP as an argument because I couldn't
reference objFTP in the function from the "global" namespace where it
resides (another quirk?).

Anyway, does anybody have any idea how I can get this thing to quit
"eating" my variable values?


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