anonymous functions? class?

Peter Hansen peter at
Thu Nov 15 22:44:36 EST 2001

Fernando PĂ©rez wrote:
> Peoter Veliki wrote:
> > I'd like to be able to use a function as an argument without declaring it
> > externally. This is what I don't want to do:
> [snip]
> Listen, this is the third time you post this question and people actually
> *have* answered it already. Could you be bothered to check for replies first
> before you repost or is that too much to ask? Do you require hand-delivery in
> special stationery or something else we should be aware of?

Funny thing is, he changed names between the second and third posting...
used to be named Peter Bismuti.  I guess while he was out getting the
name-change papers signed he missed our replies.

Peter Hansen, P.Eng.
peter at

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