how to call external functions from python

Peter Hansen peter at
Tue Nov 27 23:37:37 EST 2001

weeang wrote:
> i need help on the following:
> 1) find all files in inbox directory and zip them
> 2) move the zipped file to outbox
> 3) copy the zipped file to a remote directory

What's an inbox?  An outbox?  There is no general
implementation of such things, so your question
must be platform and/or application-dependent.
Knowing you are on Windows doesn't actually help.
Do you mean Outlook?  Probably not, since you mentioned
you'll move to Linux.

> i m using python 2.1, using windows for my initial testing.  however,
> i will subsequently use the script on a linux box instead.

Maybe describing what your general objectives are,
rather than the specific steps you think will get
you there, would help.  *Why* are you trying to 
do these things?  There might be better options.

Peter Hansen, P.Eng.
peter at

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