Problems with dbhash in Python-2.1?

Skip Montanaro skip at
Thu Nov 1 14:08:13 EST 2001

    Roy> I've got an application written in Python-2.0, which used the
    Roy> dbhash module....  The solaris guy reports the following stack
    Roy> trace:
    Roy> ImportError: No module named bsddb

    Roy> The Debian guy got some other strange error involving bsddb (which
    Roy> unfortunately I didn't save, because when he down-graded to 2.0 the
    Roy> problem went away).

My guess would be the Python 2.1 distutils couldn't find the 
include files needed to build bsddb.  You may have to install Berkeley DB or
twiddle the Modules/Setup file to point make to the correct include files
and libraries.

Skip Montanaro (skip at

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