Non-obvious name bindings
Jeff Shannon
jeff at
Wed Nov 14 15:49:19 EST 2001
Fernando PĂ©rez wrote:
> Don Garrett wrote:
> >> > I mean this:
> >> >
> >> > >>> [e for e in ['exists']]
> >> > ['exists']
> >> > >>> e
> >> > 'exists'
> >> >
> >> > And I'm still confused - those "temporary" variables declaration
> >> > looks so "innocent", and in most cases (in every case for list
> >> > comprehensions I guess?) it's everyones intension not to use this
> >> > variable somewhere outside the loop.
> This is a bug in Python 2.1, very recently fixed. ....
If I'm reading the bug report right, then it *is* expected behavior that list
comp variables are function-local variables, not true "temporary" variables.
C++ (IIRC) treats loop indices as being limited to the scope of the loop only,
and invalid once the loop ends. Python, however, has a much simpler scoping
scheme, and doesn't use a separate scope for loops (and list comps are just
syntax sugar for a for-loop).
>>> def Example(mystring):
... spam = [char for char in mystring]
... print char
>>> Example('spam and eggs')
>>> char
Traceback (innermost last):
File "<interactive input>", line 1, in ?
NameError: There is no variable named 'char'
This is the expected behavior. There is nothing about list comprehensions that
limits their variables to *only* within the list comp, just as with for-loops.
The bug reported on SF would (I think) have made char a global variable, thus
there would've been no NameError (I'm actually using 2.0 not 2.1 for this, so
can't demonstrate the buggy behavior).
Jeff Shannon
Credit International
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