Expat XML Parser

Carel Fellinger cfelling at iae.nl
Thu Nov 29 16:46:16 EST 2001

Garth Grimm <garth_grimm at hp.com> wrote:
> I think Martin summed up your answer with the phrase "global variables".

> Haven written primarily python scripts, I ran into the same issue as you a few weeks ago when I 
> started doing some XML parsing.  I just had to (re)learn scoping issues with Python.

no need to go global, use a class instead, like:
[[not tested and I know nothing about xml]]

class Record:
    def __init__(self, **kws):

class Data:
    def __init__(self):
        self.data = []

    def s_el(self, name, attrs):
        self.data.append(Record(type="s_el", name=name, attrs=attrs))

    def e_el(self, name):
        self.data.append(Record(type="e_el", name=name))

    def c_data(self, data):
        self.data.append(Record(type="c_el", data=data))

    def printit(self):
        for r in self.data:
            if r.type == "s_el":
	        print r.name, "(attributes -->", r.attrs, ")"
            elif r.type == "e_el":
	        print "   (attribute", r.name, "ends)"
            elif r.type == "c_el":
	        print "    `--->", r.data

data = Data()

prs = xml.parsers.expat.ParserCreate()
prs.StartElementHandler = data.s_el
prs.EndElementHandler = data.e_el
prs.CharacterDataHandler = data.c_data
prs.returns_unicode = 0

groetjes, carel

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