Whatever happened to String Interpolation?

Fernando PĂ©rez fperez528 at yahoo.com
Wed Nov 28 13:10:23 EST 2001

Skip Montanaro wrote:

>     fp> I'm a big fan of Ka-Ping Yee's Itpl module (which allows
>     strings of fp> the form 'the value of x is $x', but I often find
>     myself not using fp> it so as not to add an extra dependency to
>     a program I want to keep fp> small.
> I know it's a little more verbose, but what's wrong with
>     'the value of x is %(x)s' % locals()
> (or something similar?  As has been demonstrated recently on the
> list, you can easily create a dict-like object that allows you to
> interpolate complex expressions as well.

Too much to type and visually parse, for one. I've seen the neat 
tricks to evaluate more complex things, but they're not standard nor 
obvious (so I bet you 95% of people just create temps with what they 
need right before the evaluation).

A more serious one: dynamic code generation. Just today I had to jump 
through some annoying hoops (like defining x="'%s'" and y='%' and use 
those in a string) to generate code that would include % characters 
but which would first have to be parsed by a %. I know this isn't 
exactly common, though.

I am a big defender of not extending things unless truly needed, and 
with time I've learned to do things the 'python way', without saying 
at every corner 'but language_x has this feature!'. But string 
handling is the one that *constantly* feels kludgy in an otherwise 
stunningly clean and elegant language.

I felt that pep215 had a clean argument, the extension is very 
orthogonal to the existing features, and can make a lot of code 
simply a lot cleaner. I feel those are strong arguments.

Well, I can keep dreaming...



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