IsPython really O-O?

Tim Hammerquist tim at
Sun Nov 11 23:24:24 EST 2001

[ followups set to comp.lang.smalltalk ]

Matt Gerrans <mgerrans at> graced us by uttering:
> Roy, I really would like to know why, specifically, your Smalltalk guru (snob,
> dare I say) thinks Java (especially) and Python are not OO.

[ snipped throwing down of gauntlet ]

Them 're fightin' w'rds.

If you really need to raise a discussion, the posters
comp.lang.smalltalk will be more than happy to tell you why it is that
you and hundreds of programming langauges are brain-dead for even
dreaming they could get to OO from where they started.

I, for one, have had this discussion a dozen times and have not
progressed any further in the latter 11 than I did in the first.

$ cat debate

assert time is infinite
steve = Zealot(SmallTalk)
matt  = Advocate(Python)

while isinstance(steve, Zealot):
        if isconvinced(steve):
        steve.say("I'm not convinced.")
        steve.say("Hah! You can't prove it!")

$ chmod 700 debate
$ debate and echo "They all lived happily ever after."

Tim Hammerquist
As someone pointed out, you could have an attribute that says "optimize
the heck out of this routine", and your definition of heck would be a
parameter to the optimizer.
             -- Larry Wall in <199709081854.LAA20830 at>

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