C-extension in Python -- returning results

Fredrik Lundh fredrik at pythonware.com
Wed Nov 7 16:36:31 EST 2001

Keith Farmer wrote:
> I don't understand what the '-1.#IND' returns indicate.

IEEE indeterminates.

the following site mentions things like (infinity - infinity) and
(0 x infinity):


and -1.#IND is exactly what the following small program prints
(if compiled under MSVC, at least):

    double a = 1.0;
    double b = 0.0;
    double c = a / b;
    double d = c - c;
    printf("%g", d);

maybe you're dividing by zero somewhere in there?  adding a few
strategic printf statements to your code might help you figure out
where things go wrong.

(and I'm sure tim will correct me if I'm wrong)


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