Environment variables in Windows 2000

Prabhu Ramachandran prabhu at aero.iitm.ernet.in
Tue Nov 20 03:36:58 EST 2001

>>>>> "BG" == Brian Geddes <brian.j.geddes at intel.com> writes:

    BG> be carried over in environment space automatically by
    BG> os.putenv().  However, the following which looks like it
    BG> should work, does not:

    BG> import os import sys os.system["HELLO"] = "Testing" sys.exit()

Umm that should be:

>>> import os
>>> os.environ['HELLO'] = "testing"
>>> os.popen('echo $HELLO').readlines()

But this will only affect subprocesses as the documentation says:

putenv (varname, value) 

       Set the environment variable named varname to the string value.
       Such changes to the environment affect subprocesses started
       with os.system(), popen() or fork() and execv().  Availability:
       most flavors of Unix, Windows. ..."""


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