open(.xls file, 'w') so that hyperlinks appear

Lemniscate d_blade8 at
Tue Nov 13 21:53:40 EST 2001

I appreciate the help, and I figured out my problem right before your
post came up.  The problem was that I was trying this:

xlApp = win32com.client.Dispatch("Excel.Application")
which give an error because Range is not defined.  What works, and
what I learned, is that I have to, instead, use:

Please notice that I was failing to pass in the whole Range
indentifier.  Sorry to all, but it seems I was right in my assesment
that it was something simple.  (Darn it, I hate being right about
stuff like that!!!).  Thanks for all your help and I hope everyone has
a nice day.

Jeff Shannon <jeff at> wrote in message news:<3BF16381.A2E07E9A at>...
> Lemniscate wrote:
> > Okay, my other post should be up soon, but I thought I would throw
> > this out.  First off, I should say I am not a VB person, so I have to
> > work at converting VB code into win32client compatible commands.
> > However, the Help File in the MS Excel Help has me stumpted.  Here is
> > the page I am using as a basis and afterwards is just a cut and paste
> > of my attempts (at an interactive prompt) to insert a hyper link.
> > Hyperlinks Collection Object
> >
> > ........
> > Use the Add method to create a hyperlink and add it to the Hyperlinks
> > collection. The following example creates a new hyperlink for cell E5.
> >
> > With Worksheets(1)
> >     .Hyperlinks.Add .Range("E5"), ""
> > End With
> The trick with VB, is that many times function calls don't require parenthesis to group the parameters.  This
> would translate as something like...
> # xl.sheet is a Worksheet object...
> xl.sheet.Hyperlinks.Add( xl.sheet.Range('E5'), "")
> >
> > Okay, here is my interactive attempts.  Hopefully, seeing these will
> > help you see what I am doing wrong (I am SURE it is something simple,
> > but it's ticking me off).  Also, as a side note, in PythonWin, I
> > cannot run a Commakepy on Excel 9 (I'll add that attempt to the bottom
> > of my code so you can all see what I mean).  Thanks a bunch.
> You may not have installed the type libraries when you installed Excel.  Try installing more Excel
> components--anything mentioning VB or macro facilities (or online help, for that matter...)
> >
> > >>> from win32com.client import Dispatch
> > >>> xlApp = Dispatch("Excel.Application")
> > >>> xlApp.Workbooks.Add()
>  <COMObject Add>
> > >>> OK = xlApp.Workbooks(1).Sheets(1)
> > >>> OK.Range("B2:C5").Value = "Range Insert"
> > >>> xlApp.Visible = 1
> > >>> xlApp.Hyperlinks.Add.Cells("B5"), '"
> > Traceback (  File "<interactive input>", line 1
> >     xlApp.Hyperlinks.Add.Cells("B5"), '"
> >                                                                   ^
> > SyntaxError: invalid token
> Judging from the help page you quoted above, Hyperlinks is a property of a sheet, not the app, therefore you
> should (I think) be doing...
> OK.Hyperlinks.Add(OK.Cells("B5"), "")
> And as I noted previously, Python requires parentheses that VB doesn't.
> Once you get the type library installed (and it *should* be on your Office/Excel cd--I had no problem running
> makepy on Excel...) then you can use the COM object browser that's built into PythonWin to examine what functions
> are available, and what parameters they expect--some of the information is kind of cryptic, though, and it helps
> if you have some idea what you're looking for to begin with.  ;)
> I also *strongly* recommend, if you haven't already, reading Python Programming on Win32 (by Mark Hammond & Andy
> Robinson).  It has fairly extensive examples of driving Excel from within Python.
> Hope this helps.  If you have any more questions, feel free to ask.  :)
> Jeff Shannon
> Technician/Programmer
> Credit International

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